This entry gets the award for being the lowest calorie Food on a Stick in the entire list. At the Iowa State Fair, I had a Giant Dill Pickle on a Stick for $2.50.
I’m a huge fan of dill pickles. In my childhood photos, I’m often seen with a giant dill pickle in hand. I loved it on family roadtrips when we would stop at a gas station that had the enormous glass canister full of pickles sitting on the counter. Then came single-serve packaged pickles in the tricky plastic packaging filled with juice, which was impossible to not spill all over the backseat of the Buick station wagon. I still buy dill pickles at convenience stores. I ate a chocolate covered dill pickle on a stick at the Tulsa State Fair a couple of years ago and would eat another one any day, it was delicious!
The dill pickle stand also had pretzels and root beer served from huge barrels. The gals working there were great fun, some of the friendliest folks I chatted with the entire day. It’s interesting the variety of people you meet selling fair food.
Our fraternal group is setting up a booth for a summer festival. I’m supposed to investigate pickle-on-a-stick. Is it just a dill pickle on a corn-dog stick? Are there different varities? Any help will be welcome. Thanks
I’ve only sampled one variety, just a plain ol’ dill pickle on a stick, similar to a corn dog stick. How fun it would be to have other varieties!