Ever pre-order something on Amazon and forget about it or better yet, get it a week before you expected it? Then the UPS guy drops by and SURPRISE! You’ve got a great new cookbook to spend the afternoon perusing. That’s what happened today, I spent the afternoon reading the new Top Pot Hand-Forged Doughnuts cookbook.
When I was deep in the 52 Donuts project in 2009, it was suggested to me that Seattle was where the donut scene was most lively, full of locally-owned donut shops, a donut truck/trailer and small-batch bakers crafting donuts at the farmer’s markets. I didn’t make it there in 2009 and have only tried the delicious Daring Donuts from Seattle when they were shipped to me. After thumbing through the pages of this new cookbook, I know I need to get to Seattle to visit a Top Pot doughnut shop in person.
My favorite cookbooks are those that are full of photos. I love looking at photos of food, specifically donuts. You must, too. That’s why you are here, right? This book, while not including a photo of every single recipe, has plenty of beautifully-composed donut pictures on every few pages. I really appreciate the photos of the donuts I am least familiar with in this book, the Bulleyes and Pershings.
I also enjoyed reading the history of Top Pot, the history of donuts, the explanation of donut types and the extensive glossary and list of donut-making tools. After spending just a little time reading these pages, I think most folks with a kitchen would feel confident making homemade donuts.
For my gluten-free friends, don’t fret! There are two gluten-free recipes included in this cookbook. I’m excited to give them a try soon. After writing about this month’s Ratio Rally donut feature and reading this new cookbook, I’ve got a strong urge to make donuts, lots and lots of donuts! I’m headed to the kitchen now…
oh my goodness, can a cookbook get better than donuts!!
Hi Johnna. My sister, a former Seattlite and Top Pot lover, has asked for this book for Christmas, and I'm having it shipped direct to her as she is now in Australia. But I also want to give her any essential tools that she's unlikely to have in her sparse kitchen. Would you be able to share the tools Top Pot recommends/you have found most important? Thanks!
Ooh! Those photos are amazing. Have you worked your way through all these recipes yet? I hope to see some recipe reviews on this site soon.
@thejuliebook–The pieces of equipment I would find to be most crucial for enjoyment of this book would be a deep fryer, a thermometer, a donut/biscuit cutter and a rolling pin. The book includes a great list of suggested equipment and that which is unnecessary (like a donut pan). Maybe take a peek at your local bookstore and see what strikes you. What a great sister you are!
@Miss Kate–haven't worked my way through the book yet, but I would love to attempt de-gluten'ing all of the recipes. There is much to love about this book. Speaking of much to love, really enjoyed your recent post. I get giddy when my canning jars “ping!” I could become almost as obsessed with canning as with donuts!
Thanks, Johnna! My local bookshop won't have a copy anytime soon since I live in a small town in Montana and Borders, or most reliable place for such things, just shut down on us, but that gives me an idea of where to start. My sister's going to love it!