Photo courtesy of Tiffanie at corner blog |
Do you have a donut pan or two in your kitchen? I’ve got THREE. I bought the full-size, the mini and the twist donut pan.
I’m not a fan of single-purpose appliances. I recently saw a counter top pigs in a blanket maker and was puzzled how many pigs in a blanket one household could possibly consume, let alone need a special appliance just for that. But since I really like donuts, purchasing three pans just to bake donuts seemed justified.
I was WRONG. I rarely use the pans. Last week I saw this great idea from Tiffanie at corner blog, donut crayons!
Photo courtesy of Tiffanie at corner blog |
Tiffanie is writing a blog series featuring creative uses of donut pans. She’s already shared a second idea…donut seed bombs! I love the idea of planting these in unexpected places.
Photo courtesy of Tiffanie at corner blog |
Hop on over to corner blog and check out all of the fun. I’ve got my donut pans ready and I’m excited to follow along as Tiffanie comes up with more non-baking ideas for pans that were about to find their way out of my cupboards!
Thanks for sharing, Johnna! Don't forget about my first idea I posted a few weeks ago…..cocktail cornbread donuts. They were so good! 🙂
p.s. I'll be back here when I try actually cooking donuts in them. Your site looks delicious!
Wow these are so cool…