In 2012, instead of a 52 project, I did a 40+12 project, 40 Days of 40 Favorite Things for my 40th birthday plus 12 Adventures. This post is one such adventure. While it does not include a gluten-free or healthy recipe, it is part of my healthy approach to life lived well. I hope you’ll read along when I write about my adventures, they are an important part of the journey to health!
For almost as long as I’ve been a business owner, I’ve been an avid reader of Seth Godin’s books and blog.
And often, when I have a business conundrum, I re-read his books or his blog posts.
On more than one occasion, I’ve said aloud that if I could only spend a day with Seth Godin, I would find the solutions to the questions I have about business, about blogging, about helping more folks find healthy food that actually tastes good, about how to encourage others to eat a cupcake with good ingredients and not feel guilty about it.
So I went to NYC for 36 hours to attend a Seth Godin conference. I had the opportunity to ask my question, which essentially was, “How do I connect with more people who need the knowledge I have to share?” Yes, I was asking Seth Godin how to build a tribe. A tribe of healthy eaters who appreciate a slice of pie, a tribe of people who have dietary restrictions, medically necessary or by choice. A tribe of people not afraid to make a ruckus when it comes to the food they share at the dinner table.
His answer was helpful, but also left me feeling a bit deflated. I need to define the scale of what I am doing, I need to realize many people are untrusting of someone suggesting they can eat differently and still eat well, I need to understand not everyone wants to eat better. I need to know that many people pursuing this line of work fail.
I’d like to say the opportunity to ask my one question was the big take-away of the day. It wasn’t. I learned so much listening to the other 80 attendees questions and hearing Seth’s suggestions to them. I had a great conversation at lunch that opened my eyes to a different way of thinking about balancing my two businesses, about spending more time sharing my food knowledge while still pursuing my other passion as a balloon sculptor. And there was that fabulous dinner with strangers that I mentioned here. I learned much at that dinner, had my faith in dining out gluten-free bolstered, talked with people who have challenged me with ideas I had never considered, made great connections with people who are in very different lines of work but have similar goals.
I have to tell you about my nametag. We were asked to write our names and a fact about ourselves or the best job we’ve ever had or our favorite Girl Scout cookie. My nametag announced my love of kale. At day’s end, I stopped for a photo opportunity with Seth Godin. We exchanged a few words about my commitment to succeeding in my food blogging-culinary coaching-changing how the world looks at food project. And then Seth said, “I have an Eat More Kale” bumper sticker on my car.
So maybe I didn’t need to feel so deflated after all. If Seth Godin eats kale, if I eat kale, maybe we can get a few more folks to eat kale. And healthy cupcakes.
I’m still putting into action what I learned that day. You’ve probably already noticed changes around here. I’m taking risks, I’m making a ruckus and I’m so glad you are along for the journey. What a great adventure it is going to continue to be!
Oh, Johnna, I love that you have summarized your time with Seth Godin and fellow classmates! As you know I’m a mutual fan, but probably have not known about Seth as long as you have. I can’t wait to see how your exploring manifests itself, dear. 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing!
What an awesome takeaway with that kale connection! So glad you were able to travel to NYC to meet him and go to his conference!
It was an intense day full of so much info. I seriously needed kale after that experience! 🙂