It’s easy, hiding behind the anonymity of the computer screen, to say things online you would never say to a friend in person. Or to a stranger. But being kind online? Apparently much more challenging.
Often I hear friends who are also bloggers comment on the trolls, the unkind commenters. The words left in negative comments hurt. It’s our work you are criticizing, or even our appearance. And those unkind words are most often left on a blog that is available to you for FREE. I often joke when someone says something rude about my blog that I will gladly refund their money. It doesn’t cost a thing to read a blog, to print out a recipe a blogger has invested many hours in developing, to learn from their experiences. Doesn’t cost a thing…
Know what else doesn’t cost a thing? Being Kind Online! That blogger whose outfit you don’t like? Reel it in, slow your fingers down. No need to type something snarky about it. You could say nothing. And when you do like their outfit, leave a kind comment on their blog, press the “like” button or share on Facebook. Pin it. Give them a +1 on the Googler. But stop with the hate, please.
If you think bloggers and other folks who spend a good amount of time working online are hardened to rude comments and personal digs, you are wrong. Those same folks are also not hardened to compliments. Leave them a kind comment to let them know you tried their recipe and your entire family loved it! Share a link to their recipe on your favorite social media platform. Press the “like” button 22 times. I guarantee that will feel better than hitting the enter button at the end of a rude comment.
Looking for other ways to be kind online? This post from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has several terrific ideas to implement. And this post from my sweet friend Debi addresses the issue of being offended online. It all ties together.
Will you join me in creating a little more kindness online? You will?!? GREAT! Now go on, get off my site and go press the “like” button somewhere, tell a blogger you think she’s terrific or you cooked his recipe. We’ll all feel better if you do!
I myself have used the cover of the internet to say nasty stuff to folks, generally bigots, but not always. I have cleaned up my act by now by trying not to post nasty comments, whether deserved or not, and either not comment or try to comment in a way that says…”You’re a moron” in a nice way.
LOve the new look here.
I, too, try hard to not say unkind things. Doesn’t mean the urge doesn’t sometimes come up. 😉
Thanks for your kind words on the new site design.