Celiac Disease and a Food Scarcity Mindset Each May, during Celiac Awareness Month, the food scarcity mindset in the gluten-free community becomes so noticeable in social media posts. Not that this mindset isn’t front and center all year, but it’s especially noticeable in posts about the gluten-free finds, the new products, the giveaways and promotions…
It Is Celiac, Not Celiacs
It Is Celiac, Not Celiacs Often we hear something like this, “Oh, yeah, my nephew has celiacs.” But no. He has CELIAC. There is no S on the end. Here’s why it is celiac, not celiacs… Celiac disease is not named after a person like Parkinson’s Disease or Lou Gehrig’s Disease or Huntington’s Disease. It…
Cross Contact Versus Cross Contamination
Cross Contact Versus Cross Contamination In the gluten-free community, we talk a lot about gluten accidentally getting into our food, especially food that is prepared at a restaurant. Most often we hear this referred to as cross contamination. Did you know that isn’t the correct term? The term for this is cross contact. Let’s talk…
Gluten-Free Certification, Do You Recognize The Symbols?
Gluten-Free Certification, Do You Recognize The Symbols? When it comes to gluten-free certification, do you recognize the symbols? Or do you find it confusing when symbols like these are used that are NOT certification symbols? The symbols above are from a Bob’s Red Mill product and a box of Cheerios. Neither are certified gluten free. …
Don’t Toss Your Cookbook Collection When Going Gluten-Free
Don’t Toss Your Cookbook Collection When Going Gluten-Free Often I hear, “Well, I guess I’ll get rid of my cookbooks since I can’t make anything in them anymore.” Please don’t. You’ll soon learn that many, many recipes in your treasured cookbooks are already gluten free. And then you will start learning how to modify recipes…
The Expense of Eating Gluten Free and How to Help Those In Need
The Expense of Eating Gluten Free and How to Help Those In Need Last week I wrote about the price comparison of a loaf of gluten-free bread to a loaf of store brand white bread. I know those of us on a medically necessary gluten-free diet are aware of the price difference, but seeing the…
Be Kind to Gluten-Free Bloggers, Here’s How…
Celiac Awareness Month can’t pass by without giving a big round of applause to the gluten-free bloggers who create recipes, share solid information and advocate for all of us. Where would we be without their tasty concoctions, without their hard work sharing information about what’s new, what’s important to know and without their advocacy efforts?…
A Live Chat with Michelle’s Gluten Free Kitchen!
Join me on Tuesday, May 24th at 7 PM CST for a LIVE chat with Michelle of Michelle’s Gluten-Free Kitchen. Michelle is a natural at hosting live chats. She’s one of those people who make you feel like you’ve sat down for a chat with a warm cuppa in a comfy chair. She’s also very…
Buckwheat Is Not Wheat
The whole month of May, during Celiac Awareness Month, myth after myth is shared. Misleading information travels fast and far in Facebook groups. Some influencers are sharing information that is flat out wrong and they fight tooth and nail to defend how wrong the information is even after being given the correction information from verifiable…
Five Things to Never Say to Someone Who Has to Eat Gluten-Free Food
Five Things to Never Say to Someone Who Has to Eat Gluten-Free Food Here are five things to never say to someone who has to eat gluten-free food because they have celiac disease or other medical concern that requires them to completely eliminate gluten: Oh, you can have just a little! Go on, have a…